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The Crystal Coast Beekeepers Association holds our regular monthly business meeting every second Monday of the month at First Presbyterian Church: 1604 Arendell St, Morehead City, NC 28557.


All programs and field days can be found posted under our "Calendar" tab. If you have any questions, please email


06:30PM - Our Meeting will begin with a period where members are free to socialize, talk about their bees, partake in refreshments and ask questions. This is an ideal time for new or renewed Membership, 50/50 entries, sign in on our attendance roster, and any other special activity planned for the evening.


06:45PM - CCBA Member's Business

  1. Welcome- Introductions

  2. Vote to Approve Previous Month's Minutes

  3. Reports of Officers

    1. President

    2. Vice President

    3. Secretary

    4. Treasurer

    5. Special Committees

  4. Open the floor for any Member discussion or new business brought forward by Members.

  5. Program

  6. Program Discussion and Questions

  7. Member Door Prize and 50/50 Drawing

08:00PM - Adjourn​​​



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