SECTION 1: NAME: The name of this organization shall be Crystal Coast Beekeepers Association (CCBA), a Chapter of The North Carolina State Beekeepers Association, Inc. (NCSBA)
SECTION 2: OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this non-profit organization shall be:
a. Education: Teach and encourage better methods among the beekeepers of the Carteret County area, to promote cooperation and sharing, to reach a common understanding regarding our problems and their solution, and to maintain friendly and helpful relations with the NCSBA.
b. Charity: Do such things as will tend to improve conditions relating to honey bees and the beekeeping industry.
c. Promotion: Encourage beekeeping as a hobby and or/business enterprise.
d. Cooperation: Purchase supplies and equipment jointly among chapter members when advantageous to do so.
e. Should this Chapter undergo dissolution, its assets will be distributed to the NCSBA.
SECTION 1: MEMBERS: Anyone interested in beekeeping and the beekeeping industry may join the Chapter upon payment of the annual dues. This organization is open to anyone regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. The right to vote shall be limited to members in good standing.
SECTION 2: BEEKEEPER OF THE YEAR: Nominations for Beekeeper of the Year will be submitted in writing from the membership present at the regular October meeting. Selection for Beekeeper of the Year will be voted on by the membership at the regular November meeting. Only members in good standing will be eligible for this award.
SECTION 1: OFFICERS: The officers of the Chapter shall be: President, Vice-President/Program Director, Secretary, Treasurer, and three Directors (1, 2 and 3-year directors [a new three-year director being elected each year]). All officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present at the November meeting and hold office from January 1st through December 31st of the next year, or until their successors are elected or appointed. In the case of a vacancy, the President may appoint a member to serve during the remainder of the term. No person shall be elected for any office without his or her consent. All officers are required to be members of the NCSBA in good standing.
SECTION 1: DUES: The annual membership dues are due on January 1st and expire on December 31st of each calendar year. Dues are payable in advance to the Chapter Treasurer no earlier than the November meeting. Any member who has become delinquent in dues after December 31st shall cease to be an active member of the Association and will be dropped from the membership roster after the yearly NCSBA Spring Meeting. A person who has been dropped from the roll of membership for nonpayment of dues may be restored to active membership by paying current year dues.
a) The annual dues for the individual member shall be determined by 2/3 majority vote of Executive Committee Members present at the Executive Committee Meeting in November, based upon the recommendations from the Auditing Committees determination when conducting the audit in October. The yearly dues may not exceed the dues required for NCSBA State Membership. Adoption of any change in dues must be disclosed to members 30 days prior to January 1 of the following year. Members who have paid yearly dues for the following year prior to January 1 will not be required to pay additional dues in the case of an increase.
SECTION 3: STATE MEMBERSHIP: Chapter members are not required to be members of the North Carolina State Beekeepers Association, but state membership is strongly encouraged. The individual is responsible for NCSBA membership dues and renewal.
SECTION 2: LIFE MEMBERSHIP: Life membership in the Crystal Coast Beekeepers Association may be awarded to a member who has contributed in some outstanding way to the CCBA’s aims and ideals and for meritorious service to the Chapter upon recommendation of the Executive Committee and a majority vote of the members present at any regular meeting. Life members shall be excused from payment of Chapter dues. No member shall be given a life membership merely for continuous membership or for the purpose of not paying dues.
SECTION 1: MEETINGS: There shall be regular meetings held on the second Monday of each month. Notice of each meeting shall be advertised 5-8 days in advance. The time and place for each meeting shall be decided on by a majority vote of the members present at a regular meeting. If this is not possible, the Chapter may direct the Program Director to make the necessary arrangement for said meeting.
SECTION 2: BOARD MEETINGS: Each year, immediately following the regular November meeting, the current officers will meet with the elected future officers to transfer all documents, turnover folders, and other items pertaining to their duties. Other Executive Board meetings will be at the discretion of the President.
SECTION 1: COMMITTEES: The Executive Committee shall consist of all the elected officers of the Chapter, namely: President, Vice-President/Program Director, Secretary, Treasurer, the three Directors, and the immediate Past President who shall be an ex-officio member. The Executive Committee shall have authority to transact business on behalf of the Chapter when it is not in session.
SECTION 2: The Auditing Committee shall consist of the three Directors, and its duty will be to examine and audit the books of the Treasurer and make recommendations on their findings to the Executive Committee and at their regular January meeting. At a minimum, there will be one audit conducted each year, between October 1st and November 1st, with the results presented to the membership at the following January meeting.
SECTION 3: The Nominating Committee shall consist of three members (the Chairman appointed by the President), whose duty will be to nominate and present a slate of officers for the November meeting. The nominating committee will be selected by a majority vote of members present at the August meeting. Candidates for office will be presented to the membership at the regular October meeting. Other names may be submitted from the membership at large at the time of the election.
SECTION 4: The Equipment Committee shall consist of the Treasurer and two Chapter members in good standing. The duties of the Equipment Committee will be to insure accountability of Chapter owned equipment when being stored, maintain a log book documenting chain of custody for all Chapter owned equipment that is being checked out for personal use by Chapter members, report to the Treasurer when equipment is in need of repair or replacement, to maintain communication with Chapter members to prevent scheduling conflicts with members checking out equipment, and insure equipment is in good working order when it is returned.
SECTION 5: SPECIAL COMMITTEES: Such committees shall be appointed by the President consisting of a minimum of three members whose duty will be to serve as directed by the President.
SECTION 1: QUORUM: Those members present shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any regular meeting. Two-thirds of the committee shall constitute a quorum for the Executive Committee.
SECTION 1: PRESIDENT: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter using regular parliamentary procedure and Robert's Rules of Order. This officer shall appoint such special committees as is deemed necessary, fill vacancies in any office, and perform such other duties as the Chapter may direct. The President will be authorized to make deposits and disburse all monies, should the Treasurer be unable to perform those duties. The President shall be authorized to spend up to, but not exceeding, $300.00 (per year) for purchases they deem necessary that cannot wait for a regular meeting. All purchases must be disclosed at the next regular meeting. Other special duties of this officer include:
a. Assist the NCSBA with maintaining accurate records of the Chapter.
b. Insure 501(C)(3) filings are submitted timely and accurately.
c. Assume “responsible party” designation for 501(C)(3) filing with the IRS and Secretary of State.
d. Maintain the business address and email address for the Chapter.
e. Promote and utilize NCSBA Programs and Objectives for the Chapter and its Members.
SECTION 2: VICE-PRESIDENT/PROGRAM DIRECTOR: It shall be the duty of the Vice President/Program Director to perform those duties of the President in his or her absence, or upon the President's request and assist in making the necessary arrangement for programs and secure speakers for same. When directed by the Chapter, he/she will secure a meeting place and make necessary arrangements for the regular meetings. If the Vice President/Program Director is unable to perform these duties, then the Vice President/Program Director may appoint any member to act in his or her stead.
SECTION 3: SECRETARY: The Secretary shall:
a. Record the attendance, minutes, and proceedings of the Chapter at each regular and/or called meetings and any special group activities.
b. The minutes should be distributed to the Executive Committee within ten days after the meeting for review.
c. Maintain an accurate membership list.
d. Assist the President and others in notifying the membership five to eight days prior to meetings.
e. Use the media to inform the public in a timely manner of meetings and activities of special interest.
f. Maintain complete files of attendance, minutes, and the Constitution and By-Laws.
g. Protect and serve the Chapter charter granted by the NCSBA.
h. Maintain files of all communications including both correspondence and publications.
i. In cooperation with the President, arrange for a substitute if it becomes necessary to be absent from the duties of Secretary.
SECTION 4: TREASURER: The Treasurer shall:
a. Collect and receive all monies generated from membership dues, sales of goods, gifts, special activities, or from any other source. Such monies shall be fully protected in a proper and timely method
b. The Treasurer will make prompt remittance to cover authorized invoices. (Authorization for expenditures result from the Chapter approved budget or from special vote of the Executive Committee and/or a Chapter meeting.)
c. Maintain full and accurate records showing the receipts and disbursements of all monies.
d. Maintain an accurate membership list.
e. Notify all members after December 31 who are delinquent in payment of dues and seek to restore their membership.
f. Promptly inform the NCSBA Treasurer when death occurs, or changes occur in mailing address of the membership.
g. The books shall be closed prior to each January meeting and a complete report on the financial standings given to the Chapter at that time.
h. Maintain a complete inventory of the Chapter’s properties, location, and estimated value. This inventory will be verified and updated each year at the time the financial books are closed for the fiscal year and a complete report given to the Chapter at its regular January meeting.
i. Serve as custodian of the Chapter’s properties, preserving all receipts, titles, and other documents as proof of ownership.
j. The books and records are subject to unannounced audits by the Audit Committee.
k. Deliver all books and documents to the successor at the end of term of office, having them audited at this time.
SECTION 1: AMENDMENTS: Any article or any section of any article of this Constitution and By-Laws may be amended by any regular meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all members present, providing proposed amendments have been presented to the Executive Committee for their recommendation, and have been presented in writing to the entire membership at least 30 days before any regular meeting.
SECTION 1: REPEALING CLAUSE: Upon acceptance by vote of the Chapter, this Constitution and By-Laws supersedes all previous Constitution and By-Laws.
SECTION 2: ADOPTION: This Constitution and By-Laws was read and adopted by the 2/3 majority vote of all members present at the regular meeting held on May 13th, 2024, at 07:00PM. Of 20 members present, 20 members voted in favor of adopting this Constitution and By-Laws, 0 members opposed.
Signed: Sarah Adams, President
Eric Talley, Vice President